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The team worked from ‘H’ of the Centre’s SHARE framework to design a solution that contributes to creating a housing system that leaves no one behind.

Team members

Brian Robson

Senior Specialist Engagement, Homes England

James Boultbee

Operations Manager, Wycombe Homeless Connection

Matthieu Lambert

Chief Executive, Hope into Action: Black Country

Rachael Smart

Head of Housing Services, Paragon Asra Housing Ltd

Team journey

Idea and next steps

This is the team's challenge poster, outlining the problem identified, research insights gathered and solution proposal. They used this resource to present their ideas to a panel of experts who offered advice and support.

Currently they are reflecting on that feedback and considering how to carry their ideas forward.

If you think you might be interested in helping this group test and refine their idea or you have resources, skills or contacts that could help them take their ideas to market, contact us. We will be happy to connect you.

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