Data project

SHARE data dashboard

Built on the SHARE framework, the SHARE data dashboard aims to take into account all relevant data to understand progress towards ending homelessness.

To be confident that we are working towards ending homelessness – instead of simply managing the issue – attention must be focused on what really matters, to achieve better results with the resources available. The Centre for Homelessness Impact developed the SHARE framework to help guide ongoing efforts. It provides a common vision and identifies five action areas that span a whole system-level view of homelessness and its causes.

Based on current evidence, these action areas allow us to collectively make significant and long-lasting changes by adhering to them over time. We know they are interconnected: one area in isolation can’t achieve the impact we need, but progress on one leads to improvement in the others.

In collaboration with the Office for National Statistics (ONS), CHI developed a reporting platform that allows users to explore the data associated with the framework's key objectives. Both the end goal ("a society where homelessness is prevented whenever possible or is otherwise a rare, brief and non-recurring experience") and action areas are accompanied by a set of indicators to track progress at both UK and national levels, where possible.

The resulting data platform provides data visualisations to track progress against each of the key goals of the framework's vision (making homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring,) and further visualisations for the indicators that sit beneath the framework's goals, wherever sufficient data was available.

The data platform is no longer maintained, but an archive version can be viewed here. To find out more about ongoing efforts to measure progress towards ending homelessness across the UK, visit our Ending Homelessness Framework page.

Special thanks to the Ministry for Housing and Local Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

Project Details

Last Updated

June 15, 2024




Office for National Statistics


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