Test and Learn and
Systems-Wide Evaluation

Understanding what works to reduce homelessness and end rough sleeping

This is ground-breaking programme is the first of its kind in the world. It is introducing innovative ways to reduce homelessness and end rough sleeping and testing their impact with a series of trials and rigorous evaluations. It also involves mapping the homelessness and rough sleeping system. It was commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and we expect to have interim findings from the trials from autumn 2025.

Learn more about the specific projects and the systems-wide evaluation below,
or watch the Webinar. ‍

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Map of evaluations across England

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In progress

Systems-wide evaluation

An evaluation of how the homelessness and rough sleeping system in England works, to improve our understanding of what works at a systems level and identify opportunities for impactful systems-wide change.

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In progress

Support for non-UK nationals

Offering time-limited accommodation to enable non-UK nationals to engage with legal advice in order to resolve the immigration status.

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In progress

Support for people leaving care

Building rigorous evidence of what works to alleviate rough sleeping and other forms of homelessness among young people leaving the care system.

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Randomised Controlled Trial
In progress

Nurses in outreach teams

Evaluating the impact of having a member of staff with health-related specialism in outreach teams to address the health needs of people sleeping rough.

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Randomised Controlled Trial
In progress

Individual Placement and Support

Individual Placement and Support removes conditions to starting work by helping people to access employment immediately with ongoing in-work support.

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Randomised Controlled Trial
In progress

Citadel: Support from community volunteers

Testing the impact of community volunteers to support people who have a history of rough sleeping and homelessness or are at risk of homelessness to find or sustain their tenancies.

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Randomised Controlled Trial
In progress

Using data to prevent homelessness

Using data on council tax debt, housing benefit, and social work data to identify residents at risk of homelessness.

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In progress

Accommodate or connect

Short-term accommodation and a supported voluntary reconnection to an area where the person has a connection or an area where they can get settled accommodation.

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Randomised Controlled Trial
In progress

Personalised Budgets

Providing financial support tied to a purpose to help individuals with experience of rough sleeping to exit homelessness.

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More information on the Test & Learn projects

More information for Local Areas and service delivery organisations

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